Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bersabar dalam penderitaan,

Bersabar dalam penderitaan,
Yakobus 5: 7 – 11,

Bersabarlah karena kedatangan Tuhan sudh dekat, petani menantikan hasil yang bagus karena sudah mempersiapkan ladang dan bersabar menanti hujan. Tuhan terima kasih atas teguran yang berharga ini, hamba takut sendirian hadapi hidup ini, ntar mau uas matek, hamba sudah belajar tapi belum maksimal, hamba takut tak bisa tunjukkan Engkau dalam diri hamba, apa sudah terlambat??????? Tuhan hamba mau dalam studi hamba, bisa memuliakan nama MU…. Apa Hamba mampu??? Selidiki diri hamba, karena hamba tak tahu diri, tak mengenal diri hamba sendiri,,,,, hamba mohon ampun, apapun yang terjadi ntar, hamba mau tetap bersyukur,,, Terima Kasih  Tuhan….
Belajarlah untuk Tekun.

Oesapa, 14 Juni 2012


 translation in english :

Be patient in suffering,
James 5: 7-11,

Please be patient as the coming of the Lord sudh near, farmers look forward to great results because it has been preparing the fields and be patient waiting for rain. Lord thank you for this valuable warning, a servant was afraid to face this life alone, ntar want UAS matek, servants have learned but have not been up, the servant can not show you fear in a self-servant, what is it too late??? God's willing servant of the servants of the study, to glorify the name of the MU .... What can the Servant? Investigate self-servants, because servants do not know yourself, do not know who own slaves,,,,, I beg pardon, whatever happens ntar, the servant would be grateful,,, Thank You Lord ....
Learn to Diligent.

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